Pregnancy Hormone

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The most important pregnancy hormone is, without any doubt, the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin hormone (HCG), responsible for the early signs of pregnancy and for the two lines appearing on the pregnancy test after day 12 of pregnancy.

However, this isn’t the only hormone produced in high amounts inside the mom’s body during the nine months of gestation so if you’re curious to learn about the hormonal changes taking place when pregnant, give yourself the time to read the detailed and easy to understand information below.

HCG – the first pregnancy hormone

The Human Chorionic Gonadotropin hormone or the “announcer of pregnancy” is detected in urine starting with week 2 of gestation, this substance being only produced in pregnant women. During the first two and a half months of pregnancy, the amount of HCG doubles every two days so there’s no wonder you are so moody, tired and irascible in the first trimester.

Released only after the implantation of the fertilized egg in the uterus’ walls, this pregnancy hormone regulates the production and release of estrogen and progesterone from the corpus luteum, increases blood flow in the pelvic area leading to more frequent urination and increased sensations during sexual intercourse.

The hormone, produced by cells in placenta, is also responsible for nausea, vomiting and morning sickness, for the reduced immunity during pregnancy and for frequent cold and flu episodes during the nine months.

Pregnancy hormone Progesterone and estrogens

Progesterone stimulates the formation of the protective lining covering the uterus, which serves for the implantation of the zygote. Also, it sustains the functioning of the placenta and protects the tissue from potentially harmful agents. This pregnancy hormone prevents the uterus from contracting before labor therefore it reduces the risk of miscarriage. When progesterone levels drop the risk of pregnancy loss increases considerably.

Another important role of the hormone is the production of breast milk, glands responsible for milk production during pregnancy being directly stimulated by progesterone. Breasts tenderness and soreness is also caused by this substance and the softening of cartilages in pelvis during labor is dictated by his hormone.

Progesterone triggers tiredness, fatigue and drowsiness and through its effect on the digestive tract it favors the occurrence of heartburn and acid reflux. As for estrogen, this substance is released by the placenta and plays an important role in breastfeeding, as just like progesterone, it stimulates glands in breasts to produce milk. This pregnancy hormone is linked with the healthy development of the fetus, low levels of estrogen affecting the growth and maturation of lungs, liver and kidneys.

Pregnancy hormone Oxytocin, FSH and LH

Oxytocin is the hormone which causes labor contraction during childbirth. Also, it controls breast milk ejection and production. A form of this pregnancy hormone is given to pregnant women to induce labor when contractions delay and birth has not taken place until pregnancy week 41 or more.

FSH or the follicle stimulating hormone and LH – the luteinizing hormone – are inactive during the pregnancy 9 months but they’re essential for pregnancy to occur as their role is to stimulate ovaries to produce eggs and also to sustain the production of estrogen during the gestational period

The journey has only begin but If you’re excited about your pregnancy and want to learn more on your pregnancy hormone, make sure you take the time to read our other articles on early pregnancy signs, pregnancy month by month symptoms, pregnancy week by week, trimesters of pregnancy, baby growth during pregnancy and diet during pregnancy

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