Cesarean | Pregnancy, Definition, Risks And Side Effects Of Cesarean Section

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How Does Cesarean Section Work?

Pregnancy Articles - Cesarean section, also referred to as c-section, is the delivery of a baby by surgical means. This is achieved by making an incision in the mother’s uterus. This technique is performed since ancient times (in fact, the term “cesarean” comes from the common belief that Julius Caesar was delivered using this procedure).

A C-section can indeed save the lives of the child or the mother when certain pregnancy complications are present. When there is no risk for the lives of either of them, most experts recommend a natural (vaginal) birth.

Valid medical reasons for performing a cesarean section include previous surgery to the uterus; inadequate position of the baby, risk of bleeding due to placental problems, absence of labor, presence of infection in the vagina, multiple births, baby’s birth defects or chronic diseases of the mother (like diabetes).

Sometimes a cesarean section is requested by election rather than by medical need. Some women prefer this option because it lets plan their schedule much better, and others think of this method as a way to avoid the pain of a vaginal delivery. Although the advantages and disadvantages of this method over vaginal birth, most doctors think that birth should be natural unless there is a risk for the mother or the child.

Risks And Side Effects Of Cesarean Section

Although after a cesarean section is performed most women and babies are well, this is a major surgical procedure, and as such it has associated risks.

Some of those risks are: the possibility of a late preterm birth (babies born “late preterm” are more likely to suffer from problems with breathing, feeding, jaundice and temperature self-regulation), problems related to anesthesia (which can make the baby numb), poor or late breastfeeding, risk of infection to the uterus or nearby organs, injuries to the mother’s bladder or bowel, presence of blood clots in the organs or extremities, and reactions to medications. There are also some complications of the placenta that appear in women with a past cesarean section when they get pregnant again.

Partner Anxiety Prior To Cesarean Section

As it is a major procedure that involves the lives of two (or more, if it’s a multiple pregnancy) beloved ones, it is logical to the partner to feel anxiety prior to a cesarean section. Most men can deal with their anxiety while the mother is in surgery, but in some cases the presence of a psychologist or counselor is needed to help them deal with that overwhelming feeling of anxiety.

Cesarean Section Recovery

Cesarean section recovery is certainly longer than vaginal birth recovery. After a C- section, it is typical to stay in the hospital for three, four or more days, depending of the woman’s prior health status. Full recovery is achieved usually within 4-6 weeks from the operation.

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